College administrators are authorized to issue a No Contact Order (NCO) prohibiting contact between students when there exists a reasonable concern that physical or psychological harm may result from such contact, or when an NCO is requested as a supportive measure through the Office of Educational Equity. The terms of an NCO will be reasonably tailored to the particular risks of harm. NCOs are a non-punitive measure and the information below seeks to clarify their scope.

The College will consider all facts and circumstances that may be relevant to whether an NCO should be issued, including, but not limited to, the following factors:

  • When there are allegations, threats, and/or evidence of physical violence by one student against another;
  • When there are allegations, threats, and/or evidence of harassment by one student of another;
  • When there is a substantial risk of harm from continued contact between students;
  • When continued contact between students may have a material impact on campus disciplinary proceedings;
  • When a student requests one as a supportive measure in the course of reporting a potential violation of the Policy on Equal Opportunity, Harassment and Non-Discrimination to the Office of Educational Equity.
  • When the Office of Educational Equity opens an investigation.

NCOs can not ensure that students will not see one another on the campus nor be in close proximity to one another. Rather, they serve to limit potential interactions between the parties.

All NCOs provide that one student may not have contact with the other. Contact includes physical contact as well as communication, including but not limited to, in-person contact, telephone calls, email, texts and other forms of electronic communication, social media-based messages or postings, and third party communications including through proxies.

NCOs may be issued by the following administrators:

  • The Vice President for Student Life
  • The Dean of Students
  • Any member of the Student Life staff, in consultation with the Vice President or Dean of Students
  • The Director of Educational Equity and/or Deputy Title IX Coordinators

Violations of No Contact Orders are subject to discipline under the Student Code of Conduct or the retaliation provisions of the Policy on Equal Opportunity, Harassment and Non-Discrimination, as appropriate. Be advised that failure to comply with this NCO may also result in criminal charges by the Department of Public Safety relating to Harassment, Stalking or other charges. This NCO encompasses both on-campus and off campus activity. To report a potential violation of an NCO, students should contact Public Safety and/or the Dean of Students, or the Title IX Coordinator.

A request for an NCO does not automatically result in the issuance of an NCO. There may be times that individuals will be referred to other forms of conflict resolution, such as mediation with their Resident Adviser or a professional staff member.

An NCO may be imposed by the College without an individual’s request, including if there is an ongoing investigation. A student seeking the modification or rescission of an NCO shall contact the Dean of Students, and/or Office of Educational Equity. The appropriate administrator shall consult with both parties before determining whether or not to modify or rescind the NCO. NCOs will be reviewed on an annual basis. Notice will be given to all parties before an NCO is rescinded and there will be an opportunity for parties to request the NCO remain in place.

Can Other Things Be Added to an NCO?

No Contact Orders all have some parameters in common. They are also tailored to particular risks of harm, meaning additional options can be considered based on the specifics of a situation. 

An administrator can help you explore mediated requests for additional stipulations. These are requests you can make that an administrator would explore with the other party. Absent a responsible finding, these would be voluntary agreements by either/both parties that an administrator would help facilitate. Examples include:

  • Limiting access to residence halls
  • Coordinating access to spaces (e.g., library, weight room, gym, music rooms, etc.)
  • Exploring options if students are assigned to the same section of a class 

What Are Additional Resources For Me?

Below are examples of resources students have found helpful. 

Lafayette College Resources

  • Escorts on campus (response time dependent on officer availability)
  • Confidential Supportive Resources (Counseling Center, Student Advocacy & Prevention Coordinator, Chaplain)
  • Safety Planning Referrals (Student Advocacy and Prevention Coordinator, Educational Equity, and/or the Counseling Center)
  • Connection to Academic Advising for academic support 

Community Resources 

  • Public Safety will assist with filing for a Protection From Abuse order
  • Referral to local crisis and/or domestic violence and rape crisis resources

More Information About Direct and Indirect Contact

The following are non-exhaustive lists of examples of behaviors that are and are not covered by a standard No Contact Order. These are the most common situations that prompt questions. If you have a concern not covered here, please contact the appropriate administrator.

Behaviors that are permissible with a standard NCO
  • Two parties being in the same room, dining facility/restaurant, classroom, off-campus gathering
  • Attending the same events on or off-campus (speakers, athletic events, private gatherings)
  • Both parties attending the same class
    • Parties can request to not be assigned to do group work together
  • Discussing the situation privately with a trusted friend or advisor
  • Visiting friends in the other party’s residence hall, even on the same floor
  • Participation in discussion boards for classes. If direct communication between students is required for a class, students should reach out to the staff member who issued the order to seek guidance and/or assistance. 
  • One party walks up to another and begins speaking directly to them, regardless of content or tone
  • Having a friend communicate with one person on the other’s behalf (e.g., “can you tell X that I said…?”)
  • Sliding a note under someone’s door
  • Posting a video or status or SnapChat about the other person 
  • Standing outside the other party’s room when not visiting friends who live nearby or otherwise without purpose
  • Texting and/or calling the other party for any reason, even from a blocked number 

NCOs After A Conduct Process

NCOs issued or continued after a responsible finding in a conduct process (including Educational Equity processes) may include additional protective measures or other terms specific to the safety, well-being, or other needs of either or both students subject to the NCO, when deemed necessary by the College. Any additional terms shall be expressly stated in the NCO. Additional protective measures or other terms need not be reciprocal. They may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Restricting a student from being in close proximity to the other student;
  • Restricting access to certain campus locations, including the other student’s residence hall;
  • Restricting the times a student may be present in on-campus dining facilities;
  • Requiring that the students not be enrolled in the same academic course(s); and
  • Requiring that the students do not participate in the same co-curricular or extra-curricular activities.